Export Trade Map

Export Bahrain’s Trade Map platform spans across 160+ countries and territories covering analysis of 5,000+ products. The platform provides indicators on export performance, international demand, alternative markets and competitive markets, as well as a directory of importing and exporting companies.


  • Enable businesses to make better informed export decisions through the provision of accurate trade and export market data.
  • Encourage international exporting and showcase opportunities for export diversification.
  • Enable exporters to access and connect to new and potential buyers across international markets.

Export Bahrain’s Trade Map provides trade statistics data in the form of simple and user-friendly formats using graphs, tables and maps online. Exporters have access to a comprehensive real-time database which provides monthly, quarterly and yearly trade indicators, regional or economic group trade flows, and indicators on export performance.


The Trade Map also provides downloadable specific market information and data.


Terms & Conditions apply.

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